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linux for the discerning power user

SprezzOS 1 (“von Neumann”):
Direct link to the ISO image... SprezzOS-vonNeumann-current.iso

more information at

SprezzOS is Sprezzatech's Debian-derived Open Source operating system, pairing the GNU environment with a Linux kernel. It is installed by default on all Sprezzatech systems, from the SprezzaBox™ to the SprezzaVault™, and is the only operating system officially supported by Sprezzatech. It is our hope that SprezzOS will become the “go-to” distribution for HPC professionals, cluster architects, and anyone for whom Debian Unstable is less than sufficiently hardcore.

Sources and precompiled binaries are available free of charge, and the community is encouraged to file bugs, submit patches, and otherwise become involved in the evolution of SprezzOS. Its goals include:
SprezzOS logo
Version Release Issuetracker Planned release Actual release
0.0.0-β Turing-β Sprezzabugs 2012-06-23 2012-07-01
0.0.0 Turing Sprezzabugs 2012-10-05 2012-10-08
1.0.0 von Neumann Sprezzabugs 2012-12-28 2013-01-13
2.0.0 Kolmogorov Sprezzabugs 2013-08-06

SprezzOS development is wholly open, and has been from the beginning. The project's source code is available at github. Issue tracking is available at SprezzaBugs.

SprezzOS APT repositories can be used by Debian, Ubuntu, or any other Debian-derived operating system. Add the Sprezzatech key, so that packages' authenticity can be verified. DO NOT IGNORE SSL VERIFICATION FAILURES.
wget -O- | apt-key add -
Then add the repositories to your APT sources:
deb unstable main non-free contrib
deb-src unstable main
Finally, run apt-get update. Sprezzatech packages will now be available for install in your package manager, their signed hashes automatically verified against the key downloaded above.
SprezzOS logo
Debian® is a trademark of Software in the Public Interest, Inc. Linux® is a trademark of the Linux Foundation. FreeBSD® is a trademark of The FreeBSD Foundation. ARM® is a trademark of ARM Ltd. Intel® is a trademark of the Intel Corporation. NVIDIA® and CUDA™ are trademarks of the NVIDIA Corporation. OpenCL™ is a trademark of Apple Inc. OpenMP® is a trademark of the OpenMP Architecture Review Board.