contacting sprezzatech
Sprezzatech is interested in hearing from you, and helping your
dreams become reality. We're open to investment, and always looking to bring
aboard brilliant new talent.
postal mail
855 Peachtree St. NE
Suite 3204
Atlanta, GA 30308
855 Peachtree St. NE
Suite 3204
Atlanta, GA 30308
secure email
Please do not send confidential information via unsecured email! Sprezzatech
supports encrypted email using the
OpenPGP (RFC 4880) standard.
Use a tool such as GnuPG,
GPGTools, or Gpg4win
to encrypt for the 4096-bit RSA public key AAE15FF2:
Sprezzatech can be reached at
pub 4096R/AAE15FF2 2012-03-05 Key fingerprint = D060 0353 BCAE 19ED 52E5 DDC4 7078 2407 AAE1 5FF2 uid Sprezzatech customer service <>All mail from Sprezzatech is digitally signed with this key, which can be retrieved from public keyservers at MIT or, among others. Do not trust mail to be from Sprezzatech unless it is signed with this key!
Sprezzatech can be reached at
Sprezzatech's bugtracker is publicly available.